<Client Busiess Name>’s challenge

The <Client Busiess Name> team came to Jack with a high stakes design challenge: xxx

<Client Busiess Name>’s challenge

The <Client Busiess Name> team came to Jack with a high stakes design challenge: xxx

This is where

came in...

To start, we worked with <Client's First Name> to establish ‘who’ <Client Busiess Name> is.

During this process we helped the team to articulate the cornerstones of the <Client Busiess Name> brand, like its principle archetypes, tone of voice and overarching goals.


1 - 2 weeks

Next, we helped <Client First Names> to establish a brand aesthetic for <Client Busiess Name>.

Not just any aesthetic but one that would perfectly walk the line between being a xxx brand and a xxx brand. It was a fun challenge!

BRAND identity

1 - 2 weeks

Once we knew ‘who’ <Client Busiess Name> was and what the brand looked like, we focussed our attention on the team’s digital product.

First, we created a comprehensive blueprint for the <Client Busiess Name> product, detailing its full UX system. We outlined each end user’s experience and interactions with <Client Busiess Name>, allowing <Client's First Name> to visualise their digital product. Once the system was perfected, we added the visual and interactive aspects through an iterative process of UI design.


4 - 6 weeks

Finally, we helped the team to get <Client Busiess Name> online.

We designed a Marketing Website that showcases <Client Busiess Name> and speaks to their target market while providing clear call to actions.

website design &

web design & development

website design &

3 - 4 weeks

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